Emma’s Story-For all the new moms out there

“It is stories like this that make my career choice even more rewarding.”

Miss Emma was three and half months old when she first visited Dr. Kimberly.  She was in a constant state of discomfort unless sitting face out on her mother’s lap while bouncing on an exercise ball.  Emma was colicky, inconsolable, and generally miserable.  Her mother was not having any luck trying to place Emma in her car seat and bouncy seat at home.

Emma soon reaped the benefits of Dr. Kimberly’s soothing hands and actually dozed off while receiving her first adjustment.  She was adjusted while being held in her mother’s arms, while a pediatric, chiropractic tool was used to adjust Emma’s tiny spine in the cervical and thoracic regions.  She was gently placed in her car seat, slept through the scheduling of her next appointment, and stayed peaceful for the entire rush hour drive home.   “When Emma came back for her second adjustment her mom had told us about Emma sleeping in her car seat,” states Dr. Kimberly. “That was normal for me to hear.  However, when her mother shared with me the story of how Emma had laid her head on her mom’s shoulder for the first time after that adjustment, I was touched that I could help strengthen the bond between parent and child.”

Emma’s story is truly beautiful and we here at Stone’s River Chiropractic are thankful for the opportunity to help make a difference in one families everyday life.  To find out more about the Drs. Dawes, and their practice, visit us at our Stones River Chiropractic website or stop by for a visit.


*Emma is now 6 and still sees Dr. Kimberly for her regularly scheduled adjustments.


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