Neck Pain & Chiropractic

The neck is a complicated structure of bones, ligaments, joints and muscles that support our head. There are seven bones between the skull and the first thoracic vertebra, where the shoulders are and where the first rib attaches. So, with the head weighing on average 12 pounds, there are all sorts of injuries that can […]

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Is Sitting the New Smoking?

We know people who are sitting all day now. They’re sitting at computers, in their cars, at sports events, on their couch at home, etc.  They’re sitting way too much. Here’s some important information you really need to know about how that affects your health. So, is sitting the new smoking?  Research is suggesting that

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Cole a pediatric chiropractic patient

Adjusting a Sleepless Newborn

When Cole arrives at our office, the first thing that one can see are his big, bright, blue eyes and his wave of familiarity. These are the same magnificent eyes that Dr. Kimberly saw when Cole was only five days old. He was constantly crying, never sleeping over thirty minutes at a time, and his

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