What’s that Cracking Noise?

Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and synovial fluid are just three elements of that beautiful symphony you hear when Dr. James does an adjustment and makes your body go “POP!” Many people have seen themselves as a masterful knuckle cracker, but never truly have understood where the noises come from.  Synovial fluid is the liquid that lubricates and surrounds the joints,

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A lot of people are working from home these days. Oftentimes, after a long day working on their computer we will see them at Stones River Chiropractic, exhibiting new symptoms.  If you’re on a laptop at home we have a few tips to help with your back and overall posture.  Dr. Dawes has been making

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Text Neck & Forward Head Posture

Today I want to address forward head posture.  This is when the head starts traveling forward from the shoulders.  We see it in a lot of older people.  The dowager’s hump, the big hump on the back of the shoulders, becomes more pronounced with forward head posture.  However, we are now starting to see it

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Why am I Shrinking?

One of the most frequently asked questions I get here at Stones River Chiropractic is, “Why am I shrinking?” Or, “Why has my grandfather or grandmother shrunk,” and, “Why are they shorter than they used to be?”  Well there are two common reasons for that: the structure of the discs in between the vertebrae have

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Low Back Pain

Low back pain is the number one reason for missed work worldwide. In fact, Americans spend 50 billion dollars a year dealing with low back pain AND it’s reported that 80% of the population will deal with low back pain at some time in their life. So what is it?  Well, the low back is

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